Notizie per November, 2017

Smoke testing openshift with ansible-galaxy

The ansible-galaxy ioggstream.ocp_health role can run a smoke test on openshift in minutes:

– etcd consistency
– rhn subscriptions
– master status
– registry, ipfailover and router instances

NOTE: it’s not a replacement of oadm diagnostics 😉

ansible-galaxy install ioggstream.ocp_health
# eventually tweak parameters
# vi /root/.ansible/roles/ioggstream.ocp_health/tests/ocp_health.yml
ansible-playbook –check /root/.ansible/roles/ioggstream.ocp_health/tests/ocp_health.yml

If you want to create a test project with two apps, one with a PVC and one with an ephemeral, set create_test_project.

ansible-playbook -v -e create_test_project=yes /root/.ansible/roles/ioggstream.ocp_health/tests/ocp_health.yml

November 25 2017 | Politica | Comments Off on Smoke testing openshift with ansible-galaxy